Minutes of the Meeting of the American Bamboo Society Board 16.April 2023

Call to order: 11:00 PST [via Zoom]

(1) Quorum (7 voting Directors minimum, out of 13 total):

       Directors present (9): Edwards, King, Connor, Banks, Lewis, Boeraeve, Clever, Comstock, Li

       Directors absent (3): Pierce, Simmons, Hollenback, Saporito

       Others present:

             Carole Meckes (Co-Treasurer, Membership, Webmaster)

             Autumn Ramsay (PNWC, consults with ABS Tech Committee)

             Candyce Clark (LGCC ABS Meeting Organizer)

(2)    ABS2023, the ABS 2023 Annual Meeting (Candyce, All Directors) –

       All is on track except registrations.

       *MOTION*: To use the ABS Eventbrite (or similar) account for local chapters which host ABS Annual Meetings. The ABS Treasurer will transfer the funds to the hosting chapter treasury for purposes of organizing the meeting. The motion carried unanimously with no abstentions.

       Autumn suggested that any excess receipts over expenses from hosting the ABS annual meeting should be managed by the hosting chapter as they see fit. No objections were offered.

(3) ABS2024 Annual Meeting – Hawaii.

       This will be organized by the ABS with some local support. James suggested the focus of ABS assistance now should switch from the LGCC to Hawaii.

       Weather in Hawaii is best in late October – early November.

(4) Financial (David) – All funds except $5000-$7000 (kept for day to day operations) will be deposited to

       money market funds and CDs in the brokerage, since checking accounts basically pay nothing in interest. Most of the interest-bearing money will be accessible to the ABS rapidly, if necessary.

(5) ABS Tech Committee (Kristen, Autumn) –

       Nothing new to report; next tech committee meeting is 4.June.

(6) Lifetime Commercial Membership (James) – May not be needed since there is minimal interest among vendors.

(7) Travel reimbursement for At-Large and International Directors and others (Ian, Luc) –

       It was decided to leave the total budget amount at $2000 as it has been for many years and evaluate the 2023 experience. Although travel expenses have risen globally, these funds have been underutilized in the past. The amount may need to be increased in the future. This will be on the agenda at the 2023 ABS Board meeting in Louisiana. The total amount, how to allocate the funds, who is eligible, who apportions the funds if need be, and the deadline to apply need to be confirmed/decided.

(8) Mid-States Chapter Organization (Carole) –

       There was only one response to the email sent by Carole to the MSC members, so a report will be deferred to the next meeting.

(9) BAMBOO Magazine Editor (David, Susanne Lucas by email) –

       Don Shor has expressed his desire to be replaced when someone is available. Mark Sanders (LGCC) is interested in the position. Ian, a former BAMBOO Editor, suggested it needs to be a two-person job.

       A special Zoom meeting will be arranged for a few Directors and Don Shor to meet Mark and discuss the responsibilities involved.

(10) Upcoming Events (All) –

       29.July 2023: Ned’s Bash, the major fundraiser for the Ned Jaquith Foundation, is back and will be held at Bamboo Garden Nursery in North Plains (near Portland) Oregon.

       26.-29.October 2023: The 5th World Bamboo Workshop will be held in Guatamala.

       The PNWC plans an event at Hoyt Arboretum.

(11) Deferred business –

       Mid-States Chapter member survey (Carole).

Next Meetings –

       ABS Board: 11.June 2023, via Zoom

       ABS Tech Committee: 4.June 2023, via Zoom

Adjournment: 13:15 PST.