Journal #12

Journal #12


Flowering Phenology of Chusquea Bamboos with Special Reference to Chusquea talamancensis in Costa Rica
Yvonne Widmerv; pp. 1 – 20

Form and Function in the Bamboo Rhizome
Chris Stapleton; pp. 21 – 29

Vegetative Propagation of an Ornamental Bamboo, Bambusa vulgaris cv. Wamin McClure, by Branch Cuttings
T. Sekar, A. Balasubramanian and V. Manimekalai; pp. 30 – 36

A Decade of Observations of a Guadua angustifolia Plantation in Colombia
Ximena Londono; pp. 37 – 45

Diversity of Culm Bundles in Bambusa vulgaris Schrader ex Wendland
T. Sekar and A. Balasubramanian; p. 46