ABS Board Meeting Minutes, 25 April 2021

ABS Board Meeting Minutes, 25 April 2021

Minutes of the American Bamboo Society Board Meeting 25.April 2021

Call to order: 11:00 AM PDT [via Zoom]

Quorum (6 Directors Minimum, 9 Present): Boeraeve, King, Meckes, Comstock, Connor, Saporito, Lewis, Pierce, Banks
Directors absent: McCormick, Edwards, Simmons
Others present: Hollenback, Dan Fox (Mid-States)

(1) Tech Report – Much content and publications have been moved to americanbamboo.org for testing before going live on (i.e., replacing) bamboo.org.
(a) The consultant from India has been paid $1650, considered a fair amount.
(b) Hollenback is working on the proposed map of reported bamboo locations, adapting it to a new Google API.

(2) ABS Annual Meeting/Conference update –
(a) The dates are still 30.Sep – 2.Oct. Daphne Lewis gave an overview: the ABS Board meeting is Wednesday, and the meet-and-greet around 5pm. Thursday starts at Daphne’s bamboo farm with mingling, then the ABS Annual General Meeting and speakers. Friday involves trips to Ocmulgee Mounds which has stands of rivercane; then on to Byron, the USDA germplasm collection, Robbie Russell’s place, with dinner in Perry. Saturday has trips to a 5 acre moso farm, lunch at a historic location, a visit to Odum for bamboo bows and arrows, learning about the Taiwanese machines that split bamboo and plane the splits, and a panel discussion. Sunday will be a day for optional tours to other nurseries, self-guided with provided maps.
(b) Videos of events: volunteer videographers are welcome to step up.
(c) Speakers are still being finalized.

(3) Facebook – Because Facebook just implemented auto-approval for public groups (like Bamboo USA), it was decided to convert that group to be private, but keep it unhidden for now, and re-evaluate in three months or so to see if fewer fake “members” apply to join.

(4) Arts & Crafts Competition – Advertising will start in June in social media, BAMBOO Magazine and website, and internationally. Schools will receive solicitations in August. The deadline for submissions will be in September.

(5) WBC Sponsorship funds – Boeraeve will ask Susanne Lucas whether the Taiwan funds will be refunded or retained, and if the free registration will be honored, for the next WBC.

(6) Openings on the ABS Board – One At-Large position will need to be filled. King will ask Harry Simmons if he’d handle nominations this year.

(7) Next Meetings –
Board: 6 Jun 21, 11am PDT, 2pm EDT.
Tech Committee: 2 May 2021, same time.

Adjournment: 13:00PM PDT.